Jurg Meier
(Chocolate Meier as he is affectionately called)
Managing Director
Always a chocolate-loving boy, Jurg’s first memory is of sitting in his parents’ garden in Zurich at Easter, his face smeared with the remnants of the chocolate bunny he had just found. Since then his love affair with chocolate has never ceased. After leaving school he served his apprenticeship as a Master Baker and Confectioner. It was while working for Sprüngli in Zurich, famous for its masterpieces in confectionery art, that he developed his real passion for using chocolate as a creative medium. Within four years he had risen to the position of Senior Chocolate Dipping Master. Offered the opportunity to work in Hong Kong he enthusiastically accepted, despite not knowing a word of English. He arrived in 1984 and started work for the Peninsula Group. Ten years later, equipped with the knowledge and expertise acquired from working with top hotels and caterers in the region, he founded Gourmet House Limited. Together with hard work, product innovation and a committed staff his business has grown and expanded to what it is today.